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Content Requirements

  • Our blog posts typically run 1000–2000 words, but we accept longer articles as well.
  • Your post should provide an in-depth coverage of the selected topic and offer potential readers takeaway value.
  • We only accept 100% original content that hasn’t been published anywhere else. We will run your content through Copyscape to make sure it is authentic.
  • Use examples, images, infographics, charts, graphs, or other imagery to support the written word and make a strong, clear statement.
  • Please name all the images you want to include, and insert image tags within the post. For example, <> or <>. This will ensure we add all of the images you send in the correct order.
  • Please double-check your blog post for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Make sure that your post doesn’t violate any copyright laws, and that you provide proper attribution of data, quotations, and any other outside content referenced in the article.
  • We don’t accept posts that are construed as a link-building scheme. 
  • We don’t accept posts that include excessive promotional material for your company or organization.
  • We don’t have a limit for the number of outgoing links in the post, but please use them to support the understanding of the content within your piece, not for self-promotion.
  • We don’t accept content that is offensive or inaccurate. 
    Once you have submitted your post to us, you may not republish it anywhere else online (unless a reference and a link to the original post published on our blog is provided).
  • Please include a headshot, your social media handles, and a two-to-three-sentence author bio to accompany your article. The author bio may include one link to your site or organization.
  • Feel free to discuss a series of posts or updates to existing posts with the editor. 

Blog Audience and Topics

Our audience are primarily company owners, founders, CEOs, CTOs, VPs of Engineering, Product Managers, and development team leaders.

We are interested in blog posts covering the following topics: 

  • Tips and useful tools for managing distributed development teams
  • Agile project management tips and tools
  • Software development team building and management in startups
  • Global tech trends and predictions, innovations 
  • The Internet of Things, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence
  • Tech job market and salary insights for software developers in the US, the UK, Western European countries, Israel, and Australia
  • Time management and personal productivity tips and tools for CEOs, CTOs, and team leaders
  • Outstaffing, offshoring, nearshoring, and onshoring advice and success stories
  • Tech recruitment strategies and software

If you want to cover a topic that isn’t mentioned above, but that you believe will still be a great contribution to our blog, feel free to discuss it with the editor.


  • We reserve the right to introduce changes to the piece where necessary to make sure the blog stays in line with our values and standards. We will make sure you agree with any major edits prior to the publication of your blog post. We will not request your approval if the changes concern clarity and non-visible parts of an article (i.e. metadata), but we will ask you to review and approve any significant changes that could alter the meaning of your post.
  • If your post is inappropriate or needs improvement, we will let you know and offer suggestions so that we can publish it in the future.
  • We reserve the right to refuse publication or remove blog content. 


  • We will promote your post across our social media channels, and we ask you to promote it via your corporate or personal social networks as well. 

Please send your pitches and drafts to ikhortova@griddynamics.com

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