Rohit Tripathi

Rohit Tripathi

Rohit has 25 years of product management & leadership experience in supply chain, B2B & CPaaS software. Before joining Grid Dynamics, he held leadership roles at Honeywell, SAP, The Boston Consulting Group & i2 Technologies (now Blue Yonder).

Rohit Tripathi

Rohit has 25 years of product management & leadership experience in supply chain, B2B & CPaaS software. Before joining Grid Dynamics, he held leadership roles at Honeywell, SAP, The Boston Consulting Group & i2 Technologies (now Blue Yonder).

Rohit Tripathi

Building resilient supply chains using robust warehouse and transportation management systems

Supply chain resilience is crucial in today’s unpredictable market. It involves contingency planning and using technology for real-time insights and adaptability. Modern Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Transportation Management Systems (TMS) are key to building this resilience, helping businesses mitigate disruptions and meet customer demands effectively.

Closing the loop: Integrating contract management and supply chain systems for future-ready manufacturing

Contract manufacturing involves outsourcing production to third-party manufacturers, which allows companies to focus on core competencies such as design, branding, and distribution. Each year, contract manufacturing launches over 1,000 new food and beverage products in the United States, accounting for more than 10% of all new introductions in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) category.2 Meanwhile,

Fulfilling German supply chain due diligence act obligations

Recent sustainability legislations and regulations make due diligence a business imperative for effective supply chain management. Increasingly, regulations and local government bodies are regulating how enterprises must approach, operate, and report on their supply chain operations, both directly and within their extended value chain. While our earlier blog post on ESG initiatives discussed sustainability of

How generative AI elevates customer engagement in B2C manufacturing and retail

Most industry leaders, specifically manufacturers and retailers recognize the immense strategic value of optimized marketing messages and streamlined customer service to thrive in a competitive market. Research shows that 81% of customers are more likely to make repeat purchases after a positive customer service experience, while 72% respond favorably to marketing messages tailored exclusively to

Supply chain sustainability: Esg path to manufacturing resilience

Recent years have brought new challenges that require manufacturers to rethink their priorities, with supply chain sustainability unquestionably topping the list. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks not only entice companies with the promise of sustainable value, but also demand companies to comply with related laws and regulations. By embracing sustainability, addressing risks, and complying