Rohit Tripathi

Rohit Tripathi

Rohit has 25 years of product management & leadership experience in supply chain, B2B & CPaaS software. Before joining Grid Dynamics, he held leadership roles at Honeywell, SAP, The Boston Consulting Group & i2 Technologies (now Blue Yonder).

Rohit Tripathi

Rohit has 25 years of product management & leadership experience in supply chain, B2B & CPaaS software. Before joining Grid Dynamics, he held leadership roles at Honeywell, SAP, The Boston Consulting Group & i2 Technologies (now Blue Yonder).

Rohit Tripathi

Supply chain resilience starts with data

Achieving supply chain resilience, especially since disruptions have become an inevitable part of business operations, is an overarching priority for any manufacturing organization today. Reaching this goal, however, is not straightforward, and is full of risks. To prevent these risks, manufacturers need to gather and analyze the right data, so that the organization can base

5-step strategy for IT/OT cloud cost optimization in manufacturing

2023 continues to be a challenging year for manufacturers, with ongoing supply chain disruptions, economic and geopolitical shifts, as well as talent shortages adding to the anticipated hurdles. This white paper dives into the why and how of strategic cost optimization for the manufacturing Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) landscape. It covers: