Why Team Extension?

Sometimes it can be difficult to recruit the right tech professionals locally. Team extension is the best option for businesses that want to find top talent no matter what they’re located.

Dedicated specialists can work long term or on an in-demand basis. Engineering talent on an extended team complement the talents of your in-house and co-create your project.

Choosing the team extension model allows you to speed up delivery time, scale your project up or down, and deliver your final product on schedule.



Comfortable offices in the top tech hubs of Central and Eastern Europe and the America’s:

  • Office managers that make sure development team has everything they need
  • System administrators
  • Use of CloudOps, Saas, VPN/VPI and any other necessary security measures


Top tech talent

Team extension engineers from Top Talent Hubs:

  • Work for you full time
  • Strive to deliver results
  • Use remote tools like Jira, Slack and Zoom to optimize productivity and maintain and open line of communication

Want to learn more about extending your team?

contact us
A person working at the computer

The value that Grid Dynamics developers bring to Widget Brain is that they are always ready to deliver high-quality, on-time solutions and help us to scale when we need.

Reinier Meerwaldt


Why should you choose to extend your team?


Extended team members work efficiently alongside your in-house team, maintaining an open line of communication at all times.

Speed up deliverables

Getting an extended team takes less time than recruiting in-house talent, allowing you to stay on schedule and speed up deliverables.


Depending on the needs of your project you might need to find tech talent long term or on a temporary basis. With an extended team, it’s easy to scale your project up or down when necessary.

Meet your business needs

The team extension model will get you the tech professionals you need faster, bringing you closer to your business needs.

Top talent

For in-demand or highly specialized jobs, it can be especially difficult to find the right talent. An extended team allows you to recruit top talent no matter where they’re located.

About Grid Dynamics

Grid Dynamics is a leading provider of technology consulting, agile co-creation, and scalable engineering, connecting companies with talented software engineers to grow their business.

On the market since 2006, we provide engineering services for Fortune 500 companies – and now we deploy teams to meet strategic & productions goals for you with setting up nearshore development teams.

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