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How to Calculate Offshore Software Development Costs

How to Calculate Offshore Software Development Costs

Saving money is a priority for any business taking the outsourcing route. By leveraging an offshore software development team they can tackle the cost-effectiveness problem, improve their competitive advantage, and increase profit margins for the company.

Transparency is key when it comes to financial planning, thus many tech firms are looking for tried-and-true methods to accurately calculate software development costs. Having a clear cost estimation helps businesses to define their project scope based on realistic projections of resource availability, allowing them to enhance their product value chain – from the cost of raw materials to the salaries of the workforce.

If you want to make informed decisions about your project budget and ensure cost efficiency, this whitepaper is your ultimate guide to mastering software development cost estimation. We share everything you need to know for a cost-efficient offshore development journey, including direct costs, ad-hoc costs, average offshore developer rates, and software vendor fees with a detailed breakdown of what goes into each of these. Take charge of your projects, budgets, and teams with our comprehensive whitepaper!

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    How to Calculate Offshore Software Development Costs

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