How Ukrainian developers helped Carerix grow and innovate I’m really happy with Ukrainian developers. One of the reasons why is because working in the IT industry is really high in rank in Ukraine. A lot of people want to work there and that’s the main difference if to compare with other countries. It’s a very

Agile software development team for TenderApp Since the beginning of our cooperation with Grid Dynamics, the effectiveness of our team has been exploding in a positive meaning. Now, from the Dutch side, we have a better understanding of how offshore cooperation looks like, how the processes are settled, and how Agile makes it all easier. 

PHP and JavaScript developers for Oktopost This case study shows how cooperation with Grid Dynamics extend Oktopost’s development pipeline as well as serve as the core pillars for the company’s success. At Oktopost we look for highly ambitious and motivated people who are ready to look beyond a nine-to-five job. But after we had monitored Israeli

Team augmentation for IGM Technology Grid Dynamics found a team of talented software developers for IGM Technology. Read more to learn how IT outsourcing helped them achieve their business goals. Grid Dynamics’ main strength is their ability to find talented people, and their control ensures that I utilize the people I hire with them properly.

SQL and Full-stack developers for Lamina Technologies This case study demonstrates how cooperation with Grid Dynamics helped Lamina Technologies increase production flexibility, reduce the setup time and improve efficiency. The need to hire remote developers is a result of a number of changes that we have seen in the IT industry over the past few

Full-stack development for Workhorse and sister company globalHMA This case study demonstrates how cooperation with a full-stack developer in Ukraine increased Workhorse and globalHMA profitability, helping them to deliver a great product at a much faster rate. The story of cooperation with Grid Dynamics My relationship with Grid Dynamics is actually a funny story. So

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